Institute for Cultural Diplomacy

ICD Projects


The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy conducts its major projects in partnership with global governance organizations, national governments, international corporations and leading academic institutions in a continuous and sustained manner in order to develop and promote the field of Cultural Diplomacy and thereafter to apply its best practices. The projects are open to the public and are conducted internationally, taking place in different major cities and regions around the world.

The list of projects can be found below:

Berlin Global
(Since 2015-Ongoing) »

Berlin Global is an online cultural diplomacy news platform, which reports on cultural diplomacy activity and the means in which it is practiced and implemented in Berlin and Germany by the various different diplomatic communities including Berlin based embassies, the German government, the German business sector and civil society.

Forum on Democracy & Peace (2022-27) »

”The Forum on Democracy & Peace 2022-27” is a 5-year project that is conducted by the Academy for Cultural Diplomacy in cooperation with global governance organisations with the main aim to use the application of cultural diplomacy in order to improve international relations.

Berlin Wall 20-40 »

The project focuses on the further promotion of dialogue and understanding of the field of peacebuilding and reconciliation.

The Berlin Economic Forum Project
(2014-24) »

The Berlin Economic Forum Project (2014-24) is a 10-year global project thataims to promote a global dialogue and understanding of the field of international economics and its relations with related disciplines such as politics & diplomacy, humanities, the arts and beyond. In particular, the project focuses on issues such as sustainable development, environmental responsibility, economic inequalities, fair-trade, corporate social responsibility, and socially responsible investments.

Afghanistan Relief Plan (ARP) »

The Afghanistan Relief Plan (ARP) was founded in 2021 with the primary activity aim to initiate and support new relief initiatives for the Afghan people.

The Cross Continental Cooperation Project
(2013-18) »

The Cross Continental Cooperation Project (2013-18) was a 5-year project that took place from 2013 and its main aim was to use the application of cultural diplomacy in order to improve intercultural relations and by doing so, uniting the great powers of the contemporary world to better face today's global concerns.

The Berlin International Economics Project
(2010-14) »

The Berlin International Economics Project (2010-14) was a five year long project focused on raising awareness for the fields of international economics and its relations with other disciplines such as global governance, international relations, and culture.

The House of Berlin-Cultures Project
(2014-17) »

“Bringing the Berlin Communities Together Through Events, Dance & Music” (Berlin; 2014-17)
The House of Berlin-Cultures Project was a 4 year project organized by the Academy for Cultural Diplomacy in Berlin. The primary aim of the “House of Berlin-Cultures Project 2014-17” was to bring the Berlin diverse communities together through dance, music & events such as concerts, theatre, dance, events, parties, performance art, gastronomy, and other forms of cultural activities.

A World without Walls Project
(2009-14) »

The World without Walls Project (2009-14) was a five year long project taking place from 2009-2014 and focused on the further promotion and development of the field of peacebuilding and reconciliation.

The International Symposia on Cultural Diplomacy Project (2008-18) »

The International Symposia on Cultural Diplomacy (2008-17) was a 10-year project that took place from 2008-2017 focused on the development and the promotion of the field of cultural diplomacy and its relations with the areas of international affairs & economics, globalization, global governance, human rights, arts and culture.

The ICD Internship Project
(2008-17) »

The ICD Internship Project was a 10 year program with the main purpose to enable current students who need an internship as a compulsory part of their BA or graduate studies to engage in cultural diplomacy and in doing so, to further promote cultural diplomacy and multiculturalism worldwide.

Amerika Haus Berlin (2008-09) »

From 2008-9 the ICD developed a full calendar of activities with the purpose to revive and enable the Amerika Haus Berlin to continue the tradition that the institution had developed until 2006 as a valuable platform for transatlantic dialogue, debate, and cultural exchange.

Young Leaders´ Forums
2003-2014 »

OYED Young Leaders' Forums are international networks of like-minded individuals who share an interest in strengthening intercultural relations within a region or country, or between particular regions or countries.