Academy for Cultural Diplomacy
Speaker List Germany - A > Z

The ICD is grateful for all individuals who participated, contributed and spoke in our international events.
The complete list of speakers can be found below:
- Prof. Dr. Manfred NitschFreie Universität Berlin
- Prof. Manfred PohlChairman of the Board of Franfurter Kultur Komittee
- Dr. Manfred Stolpe Ehemaliger Ministerpräsident des Landes Brandenburg; Bundesminister für Verkehr, Bau- und Wohnungswesen a.D.
- Manuel SarrazinBündnis 90/Die Grünen
- Dr. Marc HelblingMigration, Integration, Transnationalization, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung gGmbH
- Marcin ZastrożnyPolnisches Institut Berlin
- Marco Michel Professor, The German Federal Agency for Civic Education
- Marianne HeuwagenFormer Director of Human Rights Watch Germany
- Marina Schuster MdB
- Mark C. Donfried Gründer und Direktor des Institute for Cultural Diplomacy
- Prof. Mark HallerbergProfessor of Public Management and Political Economy at the Hertie School of Governance
- Markus LöningGerman Government Human Rights Commissioner
- Markus MeckelFirst Democratically Elected Foreign Minister of the DDR
- Dr. Marta MoneoPotsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
- Martin Beck German Institute of Global and Area Studies
- Martin DuespohlDirector of the Kreuzberg Museum
- Martin GutzeitLandesbeauftragter für die Unterlagen der Stasi
- Martin HoffmannMember of the Petersburg Dialog
- Mr. Martin WilhelmGoethe Institute – Belgrade
- Matthias HöpfnerGerman Ambassador to Canada
- Matthias von KummerConsul General, German Consulate General Istanbul
- Matthias StausbergSpokesperson, UN Global Compact
- Dr. Matthais S. TantowGallery Director, Tantow Gallery
- Marzenna Guz-VetterEuropean Commission Representation Berlin
- Max HofmannDeutsche Welle
- Dr. Mechthild Baumann Gründerin des Instituts für Migrations- und Sicherheitsstudien e.V.; Mitbegründerin des Netzwerks "Europäerinnen in Berlin"
- Dr. Mekonnen MesghenaDirector of Department for Migration, Citizenship and Intercultural Democracy, Heinrich Böll Foundation
- Meike EitelFounding Member, Association for Place Branding and Public Diplomacy
- Memet KilicMdB
- Michael Bauer Former Executive Director, African Development Bank, currently Chief of Protocol of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
- Michael HinterdoblerHead of Division for International Relations for the State of Bavaria and former Director, Office of the State of Bavaria in Quebec
- Michael Küppers-AdebisiMultimediakünstler und Kulturmanager
- Michael SieboldChairman of the German-Canadian Business Club and the German-Canadian Society
- Michaela BalkaOikocredit
- Miriam ChocobarWelthungerhilfe