Academy for Cultural Diplomacy
Speaker List Germany - A > Z

The ICD is grateful for all individuals who participated, contributed and spoke in our international events.
The complete list of speakers can be found below:
- Abenaa AdomakoCo-Founder of the Initiative Schwarzer Deutscher
- Adetoun Adebisi-KüppersCyberNomads
- Agnes CiupercaPolicy Planning Staff, German Parliament, FDP Party
- Ahmet KühlaciDeutscher Korrespondent der Zeitung Hürryiet
- Alain VisserManaging Director for Sale and Marketing, Opel GmbH
- Alexander RahrOne of Germany's leading Russia experts and a Putin biographer
- Alexander SixtDevelopment Director Sixt Car Rental
- Alexander SomozaDesk Office for the Nordic Region, German Foreign Ministry
- Dr. Alfred SchlichtReferat 606, Vortragender Legationsrat
- Alicyn Vye HenningDirector, Street Oscar's
- Almut MöllerAnalyst on European integration and European foreign and security policy in the Middle East
- Andrea KurmannActress
- Dr. Andreas EtgesProfesor, John F. Kennedy Institute of the Free Univerity of Berlin
- Dr. Andreas GoldbergZentrum für Türkeistudien
- Andreas HüberOne Germany
- Andreas Meyer-Schwickerath Chairman, BCCG
- Prof. Andreas RaschHelmuut-Schmidt-University, Hamburg
- Andrej KupetzPresident of the Zollverein School
- Ms. Anna Kellner Friedrich Ebert Stiftung
- Dr. Anne DunckerBilateral Cultural and Media Relations Europe, incl. Turkey
- Annette von WesendonkBesucherzentrum German Foreign Office
- Annika NiemannCurator, IFA Gallery
- Dr. Anne-Juliane HünnemeyerEconomist for Projects in Developing Countries (KfW)
- Armin Völckers Drehbuchautor, Regisseur und bildender Künstler; Ausgezeichnet für den Kurzfilm "Leroy räumt auf" als bester Kurzfilm beim Festival in Sankt Petersburg
- Dr. Arpad A. SölterHead of Division “Strategy and Evaluation” at the Headquarters of the Goethe-Institut in Munich
- Axel Sabac El CherDescendent of the Prussian-African Sabac El-Cher family
- Axel SchäferSPD Representative in the Bundestag
- Axel StröhleinDirector of the State of Bavaria Québec Office