Academy for Cultural Diplomacy
Speaker List Germany - A > Z

The ICD is grateful for all individuals who participated, contributed and spoke in our international events.
The complete list of speakers can be found below:
- Prof. Dr. Barbara JohnFormer Commissioner of the Berlin Senate for Immigration and Migration
- Ms Barbara WolfMember of the division in charge of the Union for the Mediterranean and the G8 BMENA initiative, German Foreign Office
- Dr. Beate WagnerGeneralsekretärin Deutsche Gesellschaft für die Vereinten Nationen
- Beatrice BehnDeputy Director Britspotting
- Benjamin DidszuweitAnalyst Deutsche Bank, GMT Alumni
- Benjamin HannaCultural Affairs and External Communications, Public Diplomacy at German Foreign Office
- Benjamin TitzeBoard Member of Amnesty International Germany
- Prof. Dr. Berit SandbergProfessor of Public and Nonprofit Management at the Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin.
- Prof. Bernd SchneiderHelmholtz Insitute
- Bettina Muscheidt Political Desk Officer at the European Commission for Afghanistan
- Prof. Dr. BietmannAufsichtsratsvorsitzende GEW Rheinenergie
- Birgit OttoPolicy Planning Unit, German Bundestag CDU/CSU fraction
- Björn GehrmannDiplomat, German Foreign Office
- Brigitte ZypriesMdB Bundesministerin a.D. der Justiz; Justiziarin der SPD-Bundestagsfraktion
- Dr. Bruno FischliMember of the Board, Goethe Institut
- Burkhard HinzRegional Director East Africa for the KfW Development Bank